The Student Legal Fund Society was founded to support litigation, advocacy, and lobbying for improved education and access to education at UBC, and other matters of law that set broad precedent and are of concern to UBC students.
We exist to assist you.

Who we are
The SLFS is a student-funded, student-run non-profit organization at the University of British Columbia (Vancouver). Created following a student referendum in 1998, the SLFS exists to support litigation, advocacy, and lobbying for improved education and access to education at UBC, and other matters of law that set broad precedent and are of concern to UBC students.
Our Board of Directors is elected annually in the AMS Elections.

Transparency & Accountability
The Student Legal Fund Society collects a $1 fee from every UBC student as part of your mandatory fee payments each year. We strive to spend our annual budget responsibly and transparently, and with over a half million dollars of fees held in reserve, the SLFS is one of the largest not-for-profit organizations at UBC.